Timberland, Acquisition & Divestiture
Blackwell is dedicated to meeting the needs of a client’s investment decision whether it’s a timberland or tenure acquisition, sale, or retroactive valuation. We work closely with clients to identify their investment objectives and accurately define the scope of the valuation.
Blackwell valuators consist of a team of professional foresters and accountants with decades of operational woodlands experience, with the lead valuator being a professional forester, accredited timber evaluator, and licensed scaler. In addition, a team of multi-disciplined foresters has the expertise to analyze forest inventory growth and yield, to accurately identify and quantify future harvest opportunities.
Blackwell builds financial models specific to the woodland’s operation, based on historical financial and production records or by using forest estate models and detailed total chance plans.
Our financial models typically involve discounted cash flow analysis (net income method) and the results are supported with market sales comparisons.
Blackwell has extensive experience developing credible market intelligence. It can provide detailed market metrics and trends with the goal of identifying the best opportunities to maximize the value of the timber supply.
Timberland and woodlands business investments are risk- assessed and only recommended after conducting thorough due diligence. Liabilities associated with the timberland might include reforestation obligations, road infrastructure and environmental issues. Blackwell can also provide estimates for current and future capital improvements.