Quentin Schmidt

Quentin Schmidt


Quentin joined B.A. Blackwell & Associates in April of 2021, after moving on from a suite of wildfire related work with the Ministry of Forests. He spent the previous seven fire seasons on wildfire crews in both BC and Alberta, and worked on the Wildfire Risk Reduction team in the Okanagan-Shuswap District for two winters. Prior to working in BC, Quentin acquired a B.Sc from the Forest Resource Management program at UBC.

As a Forester-in-Training at B.A. Blackwell, Quentin works on the fuel management team to help develop Fuel Management Prescriptions and CWRPs, and supervise operational treatments. His passion for wildfire risk reduction projects stems from his first-hand experience with interface wildfires in BC, and a desire to protect and promote healthy ecosystems for future enjoyment.