Tove Pashkowski

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Tove Pashkowski

B.S.F. (Hons.), RPF

Tove is an RPF with the Association of BC Forest Professional Foresters with over 10 years of forestry experience. She is a graduate of the UBC Forest Resource Management program and has a broad range of experience in the areas of wildfire management planning and implementation, silviculture and forest health, urban forestry, engineering and layout, and wildland firefighting. In the area of wildfire management, Tove has extensive experience developing community wildfire protection plans and has led vegetation management fuel reduction programs in the wildland urban interface of communities across the province – work that includes field work, prescriptions development, GIS, contract supervision and project management. Through this project work, Tove has engaged extensively with municipal clients and provincial land manager agencies in all stages of project development and has conducted extensive consultation with First Nations and a wide range of stakeholders. In the area of urban forestry, Tove has completed numerous urban tree inventories and assessments, as well as hazard tree and Development Permit Areas assessments and tree risk management policy review. She also has extensive experience in silviculture surveys from on-the-ground assessments to professional review ensuring all government standards are met. Tove has the breadth of operational forestry experience required to develop practical, science based management recommendations.